Monday, November 5, 2007

Monday Mum ~ Tracey from Kids Kontact

Introducing this week's Monday Mum -
Tracey Birch from
Kids Kontact

Tracey's business Kids Kontact provides vital products to protect the most important people in our lives - the kids!

She has a great selection of products which are fantastic for any time of the year but especially with Christmas and the holidays coming up where the little ones can get lost in large crowds.

Tracey says "I am a mum of two beautiful children, Brendan 6 and Georgia 3. My business sells identity products for the whole family".

Why Did you Decide to Start your Own Business?
I decided to start my business firstly so I could be home for my kids. I was struggling with the need to have some mental stimulation but didn’t want to go and work for someone else. Hopefully I can continue to be there so my kids always have someone when they need them. My parents both had to work when I was growing up and that made it hard for my sister and I at times. I want to be able to take my kids to sporting events and not have to beg for time off from a boss that may not be overly understanding.

Would you ever work for an employer again after having your own business?
Not sure, I suppose if the business goes well then I won’t have to, here's hoping I won’t need to. As above my kids are my drive for starting and building my business.

What is your biggest Challenge and your greatest Reward from working for Yourself?
Definitely getting started was hard, it has been so time consuming. I also find it difficult when people say negative things about my product as I sell things that I really believe in and I believe they can help others. But I suppose that’s business. My greatest reward is actually doing it. I had to get through a lot of self doubt to start but thought why not just give it a go.

Do you have a Signature Product/Service or a Signature Line of Products/Services?
I don’t really have a signature line as such, I try and source anything that can help keep loved ones safe. Although keep a look at for some special items coming up soon.

And lastly my favourite question... Share with us 3 of your favourite products or services from your web site at the moment.

The ID 4 Me products, these are an Australian invention and look great. They are a good for those children who can’t resist undoing Velcro. Also the canister has a tamper proof seal so you know if it has been opened.

My favourite would have to be the new purple ID wristband. It is divine. It is so different from the other colours available and the flowers add that little extra something.

Number three would have to be the Autism tattoos. I didn’t realise before starting this business how many autistic children there are. Hopefully these tattoos will help make the parents lives a little bit easier.
Tracey has an online newsletter where you can stay up to date with her products as well as receive member only discount offers. I also believe that she has some fantastic new products on the way so it would be a good idea to sign up so you don't miss out! For more information on Kids Kontact or to register for the newsletter just visit

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